You Don't Have Jesus Magic Dr. Eddy
What it looks like when we fail to recognize our own cognitive biases
Part 2 of my conversation with Celeste about the many errors in Sprinkle and Eddy’s scholarship about trans people just dropped on YouTube and I hope you will watch it (I have it embedded in this post but I would really appreciate it if you would go watch it on YouTube and maybe like and comment over there as that will boost the videos overall visibility).
In this segment Celeste and I are responding to Eddy’s deeply problematic citation of an incident where a Masters student had his research proposal rejected for failing to satisfy the ethics requirements of his university. We dive into the ways that Eddy (and Sprinkle) ended up engaging in shoddy scholarship and reflect on why and how they likely ended up allowing their cognitive biases to warp their analysis of the situation. Celeste and I would love to hear your thoughts!
P.S. As a follow up to the initial conversation (which we recorded this summer) Celeste has written an excellent and thorough exploration of the James Caspian event Here. I strongly encourage you to go check it out!